How To Let It Go

I have heard lots of advice on how to let things go over the years. Mostly because… I’ve needed it myself! Letting things go has been a struggle for me. Remembering what people have done to hurt you is the best way to keep yourself safe. Right? It’s really hard to let things go, when you think it’s beneficial (and safer) not to. But all the googling I’ve done over the years hasn’t been as helpful as sitting in the presence of God and realizing He is enough.

I’ve carried a burden for too long on my own. I wasn’t created to bear it alone. I hear your invitation to let it all go. I see it now. I’m laying it down. I know that I need you. ♬♪

Did you watch the video yet? If not stop reading and go do that. Then read these lines again. Then repeat the cycle until you realize God is inviting you to let it ALL go. All of it all: pain, betrayal, desperation, fear, self protection, justified anger, guilt, injured pride, and so much more.

Life is a battle friends, and we have two options: follow hard after God’s truth or do “our” best. Our best leads to never letting go. We can’t. But God has a different way. But God says: Oh precious, you have carried that heavy weight much too long. I made you for so much more than to hold onto that. Will you let it go?

Will you let it go? God never forces us to open our hands. But if we do open them and lay down our junk… he will fill our hands with so much more of all that is good.

I run to the Father. I fall into grace. I’m done with the hiding. No reason to wait. My heart needs a surgeon. My soul needs a friend. So I’ll run to the Father again and again and again and again. ♬♪

I remember the first time I realized that I could fall into the grace of God. Have you ever ran to your husband/dad/boyfriend/brother in absolute tears of devastation over some way life failed you? And when you hit his chest with the full force of your cries did you fall into grace? A special favor where they protect your heart with their strength?

I hope you know this feeling. But even if you don’t… that is what God is offering you. The riches of God through the sacrifice of Christ which means you don’t need to carry the burden. Through Christ, you can let it go. Letting it all go – all the pain we struggle to release – is an act of worship and trust. I don’t need to live in guilt or pain from a lost relationship or a wrong that was done to me or fear. I actually can just let it go and fall into the grace of God.

My heart has been in Your sights. Long before my first breath. Running into Your arms. Is running to life from death. And I feel this rush deep in my chest. Your mercy is calling out. Just as I am You pull me in. I know I need You now. ♬♪

What do you need to let go of? I know I used to think remembering everything was the best way to protect myself. But actually it was a great way to keep the pain fresh and kill my joy. Jesus carried all our burdens and wants to invite you to let him have yours. How would it feel to fall into grace?

If you want to know more about God’s love for you and about Christ, ask. God will reveal himself to you if you are really look for him. In the Bible it says, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” [Matthew 7:7-8]

I hear your invitation to let it all go. I see it now. I’m laying it down… ♬♪

Faith = Confidence + Memory

Faith is a frequently used word these days. We have faith in money, airplanes, buffets, antibiotics… and it is basically code for “oh boy I hope this works”. Which can make faith in God, seem very abstract and powerless.

What is faith? How do we really use it? Paul does a great job with the definition in Hebrews 11:1 saying, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Let me explain:

CONFIDENCE: We are supposed to have confidence in what we hope for, but what do we hope for? Salvation is our greatest hope. The entire Old Testament of the Bible was a record of people trying to understand, follow and earn salvation. It proved quite impossible for almost everyone. But we can have confidence in our salvation because of Christ.

MEMORY: Remembering to trust in the love of God for us (even when we can’t see it) is the second part of having faith. We are assured of God’s love by the very fact of Christ’s sacrifice, but we must remember. One of the best ways to remember God’s great love for us is by reading the Bible. It’s the longest love letter ever.

Faith is a word that has been watered down in common language. It is a word that has come to stand in for a mere wish or random vote of support. And if that is all faith stands for in your mind, no wonder it has lost its power. But faith is the most powerful tool we have! Here are some verses to remind ourselves of how God views faith.

Faith is confidence in our salvation through Jesus Christ and continually remembering God’s love. That is why faith heals, throws mountains into the sea, fulfills promises, makes anything possible and performs miracles. So I guess I have a question: do you have this kind of faith?

I think it’s natural to find ourselves in a season where an honest answer is… no. If that’s you, stop settling for the kind of faith you have in the milk not being sour or in the to-be-continued after a favorite TV show. Your faith can be the most powerful part about you. Something that gives you strength and courage and joy and power and love.

Let’s all decide something together: we will hold onto confident hope in Christ and will remember God’s love all day today. And then, maybe try it again tomorrow. At least that’s my goal! Join me?

Be Trustworthy

God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Numbers 23:19

Humans are known for… changing our minds. But that’s not how we were created to be. I was created in the image of a trustworthy God who does what he says he will do. So were you beautiful friend! Yet we struggle don’t we? Maybe we can keep promises to others, but can we keep them to ourselves?

How do we grow into the person we were intended to be before the world got to us? I think that emulating someone who does this so well would be a good place to start. We all love a good role model because they inspire us to level up ourselves. So let’s fan girl over God and: pray, look and seek.

PRAY: to God. Sincerely pray. When you do this He will listen.

LOOK: for God. Don’t just glance around and wonder when He will show, but look with passion. Be enthusiastic about your search.

SEEK: Him with all your heart. He’s not really hiding but you may need to discover Him in places you’re not used to looking.

When you pray, look and seek you will find a God so worthy of emulating. And yet the question is what will you allow it to do in you? Will you allow the trustworthy nature of God to inspire a change in you? Spending time with excellence always makes me want to reach higher, do better and conquer my struggles with renewed dedication.

Do you want to be known as someone who makes goals and reaches them? Speaks action? Runs a faithful journey? I know I do!! But let’s be real about our humanity because perfection isn’t the goal. Growing more in the character of who we were created to be like IS the goal. Though it lingers… wait for it.

For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. Habakkuk 2:3

Are you trying so hard but not coming through? Are you struggling to accomplish a goal or flat out failing? God is trustworthy. He does what he says. And it’s not an unrealistic goal to work towards being that way too. Keep praying. Keep looking. Keep seeking.