Be Trustworthy

God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Numbers 23:19

Humans are known for… changing our minds. But that’s not how we were created to be. I was created in the image of a trustworthy God who does what he says he will do. So were you beautiful friend! Yet we struggle don’t we? Maybe we can keep promises to others, but can we keep them to ourselves?

How do we grow into the person we were intended to be before the world got to us? I think that emulating someone who does this so well would be a good place to start. We all love a good role model because they inspire us to level up ourselves. So let’s fan girl over God and: pray, look and seek.

PRAY: to God. Sincerely pray. When you do this He will listen.

LOOK: for God. Don’t just glance around and wonder when He will show, but look with passion. Be enthusiastic about your search.

SEEK: Him with all your heart. He’s not really hiding but you may need to discover Him in places you’re not used to looking.

When you pray, look and seek you will find a God so worthy of emulating. And yet the question is what will you allow it to do in you? Will you allow the trustworthy nature of God to inspire a change in you? Spending time with excellence always makes me want to reach higher, do better and conquer my struggles with renewed dedication.

Do you want to be known as someone who makes goals and reaches them? Speaks action? Runs a faithful journey? I know I do!! But let’s be real about our humanity because perfection isn’t the goal. Growing more in the character of who we were created to be like IS the goal. Though it lingers… wait for it.

For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. Habakkuk 2:3

Are you trying so hard but not coming through? Are you struggling to accomplish a goal or flat out failing? God is trustworthy. He does what he says. And it’s not an unrealistic goal to work towards being that way too. Keep praying. Keep looking. Keep seeking.

Hijacking Habits

It’s the age of both hustle culture and treat yourself culture. This may look great on Instagram, but in real life this combo is burnout-inducing. I know I’ve lived in this dichotomous space over the years and it’s left me with some dysfunctional habits. I’m ready to tackle them head on. With me?!

This afternoon I read an article on breaking bad habits. Interestingly thought, it said that the best way to break a bad habit is to take advantage of a habit you already have built… hijack that one and transform it. Genius right? You can read the whole thing here: How to Build New Habits by Taking Advantage of Old Ones

I am going to try this with two habits. In order to hijack a habit you need to identify the habit you want to break or start. Then identify the four phases of the habit: cue, craving, response and reward. After that you just give it a go!

SNACKING: The cue that sets off the urge to snack is when I feel my energy dip. My craving goes straight to something extra tasty – like brownies or chips. Here I can hijack this habit and instead of grabbing chips with my grocery order or whatever else, my response will be to drink 20 ounces of water. This will give me an energy boost just like a snack!.However, the dopamine release I’m used to from the fatty, salty, sugary snack will be absent so I need to add that in through a happy reward.

EXERCISE: This is a habit I don’t have yet, so I need to look for a habit I currently do have and hijack that one! How about driving the kids to school in the morning? So the cue will be when I get back home after dropping the kids at school. The craving here is usually to have a quiet moment with my coffee and a journal. Here I can hijack this habit and instead of going to the coffee pot, my response will be to get on the treadmill for 60 minutes. Again, the dopamine release I’m used to from the coffee and relation will be absent so I’ll need to add that in through a happy reward.

So this is a tool I plan to use in lots of areas and you might find it helpful too! Let me know if you give it a go. Also, I’d love to hear any rewards you love. I am still thinking about that part. Hugs beautiful friends!

10 Things That Make Me Happy

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman

Everyone should spend time figuring out what makes them happy, what makes them come alive. Why? Because we’re all unique and what you love is such a special part of you that the world needs! If you are just starting to explore your heart in this way, take a look at my list and try making one of your own.

1. PLANNERS: Paper planners make me happy. I love everything about them. Binder style, coil bound, leather, artsy, basic or elaborate. I love copying information over and over. Pens. Stickers. My two favorite types of planners (currently) are Happy Planer and Filofax. But I’m always open to something new!!

2. COFFEE: I sure love coffee. Starbucks is a big favorite of mine. It’s delicious. I also love my first cup at home. I use a Keurig and Nespresso makers because I’m quite fond of my coffee with a shot or two of espresso. Then a bit of half + half and it’s sigh worthy. I am always up for a happy little cup of coffee.

3. DISNEY WORLD: Did I ever mention I was married in Disney World?! That’s how much I love it there. The magical destination they have created just seems to fill my happiness meter to the brim. I know people have different opinions on Disney, but I have made it my happy place since I was little. Let’s go to Disney World!!

4. PETS: I adore animals. I would have our house packed full if it weren’t for my sensible husband. Right now we have Beowülf the Akita, Little Dud the Pomeranian, Christian the Russian Blue, Syzygy the Maine Coon and Bruno the Teddy Bear Hamster. I love each and every one with my whole heart. I’m not sure what pet will come next… but I know it’s only a matter of time.

5. FRIENDS: In case you haven’t guessed, I’m an extrovert. Talking with people is my favorite. Honestly, everything is better with friends. I love being with women, talking with them, creating events, having people over to dinner and even public speaking to groups. So fun! I am always open to more friends.

6. PUBLIC SPEAKING: Since I mentioned public speaking above, I should give it a whole section because I really like speaking to groups. Hope God gives me lots more things to share and the opportunity to do so. Need a speaker? Pick me! If you want to see me speak or have questions CLICK HERE.

7. I LOVE LUCY: This is my favorite show to leave on in the background because it’s hysterical. Plus I know all the episodes by heart so I can walk in and out without missing anything. If my life had a soundtrack it would probably be full of Ethel Mertz comments and Ricky Ricardo mispronouncing all the words.

8. CUDDLING: Does this make your happy like mine? I love cuddling my dogs, cats and hamster. I love cuddling my kids to sleep. I love sleeping on my husband’s shoulder. I’ll still cuddle stuffed animals, yup no shame. I will happily cuddle just about anything!

9. PURSES: I don’t think anyone was ever uncheered by a new purse. But this category is quite broad because I would extend it to totes, backpacks, makeup bags, suitcases, trunks. If you can put stuff in it and bring it with you I love it. I’ve moved and traveled my whole life so perhaps it’s the vagabond in me, but purse-type-things make me happy.

10. WRITING: Yup, I love writing. Expressing myself isn’t a chore but a love. I think it’s an extra outlet for this extravert to express herself even more. I write stories, articles, book reviews, devotionals and blog posts on all kinds of topics. I write stories for my kids and tales about our pets. Stick around and you’ll get to enjoy it all.

It’s just about that easy to begin to discover what makes your heart come alive. I try to make these lists often because it helps me know where to direct my efforts and where to get a bit of extra happiness when I’m feeling low. Are we similar in any ways? I’m sure you can think of lots of things I didn’t even mention. Try making a list of your own!